SuperDFM Probiotic Supplement

SuperDFM Probiotic Supplement

$24.86 / EA

SuperDFM® provides healthy bacteria to the bee's digestive tract, optimizing digestion, nutrient absorption, and strengthening immunity. SuperDFM®-HoneyBee™ is an all-natural and completely safe probiotic supplement. Accepted for organic use. No Preservatives. No Animal Ingredients. Non-GMOs. No Resistance Build-up!

  • Stimulates Bee Health, Digestion, and Nutrition
  • Suppresses Chalkbrood (Ascophera apis)
  • Increase Nurse Bees’ Performance
  • Establish Beneficial Microflora
  • Supports Strong Colony Health!

100 grams - 10 applications

500 grams - 50 applications

/ EA
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